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Radioactive material from Fukushima discovered in the sand and groundwater beneath the beach, releasing cesium into the ocean
By Jhoanna Robinson
Blunder at Fukushima: Mistake may have contaminated groundwater with radioactive waste
By Russel Davis
New study concludes modern living is more of a health risk than exposure to low-level radiation
By Russel Davis
Eight-legged tardigrades are the ultimate doomsday survivors and can live 30 years without food or water
By Ethan Huff
Here’s what war with North Korea would actually look like: 20,000 dead in the first 24 hours
By Jayson Veley
North Korea’s latest nuclear test caused earthquakes and landslides; dictator’s quest for power seems sure to threaten the world one way or another
By Robert Jonathan
Cannabis beats “incurable” brain tumor after chemo fails
By Tracey Watson
More radioactive material to be released into the Pacific Ocean from the failed Fukushima power plant
By Tracey Watson
North Korea claims breakthrough: Hydrogen bomb warheads and EMP weapons… it’s time for Trump to deal with Kim Jong-Un
By Mike Adams
Hair conditioner found to bind radioactive elements to your hair, functioning as a MAGNET for nuclear fallout
By Cassie B.
Radioactive iodine has been “legally” released by European nuclear power plants for over fifty years… used for “tracking ocean currents”
By Cassie B.
Survival report from inside Hurricane Harvey: The flooding has begun… and it’s brutal
By Mike Adams
Amazon has made a fortune selling counterfeit products… and today it might cause thousands to lose their eyesight
By Mike Adams
Panicked buying of iodide now underway as radiation “antidote” reportedly “flying off shelves”
By Jayson Veley
Radioactive material reported stolen in Mexico; are terrorists creating a dirty bomb?
By Jayson Veley
Americans are suddenly preparing like crazy for World War III and nuclear fallout
By JD Heyes
North Korea readying nuclear-capable ICBMs for launch, analyst warns
By Ethan Huff
Three myths you’re being told about North Korea’s ballistic missile tests that you need to understand
By JD Heyes
The Health Ranger’s science-based preparedness guide for surviving nuclear fallout
By Mike Adams
Is Trump running out of patience with North Korea? President pledges to unleash “fire and fury” over latest provocation
By JD Heyes
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